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Dr.Edward Evans


Dr. Edward 'Gilly' Evans is a professor in the Food and Resource Economics Department located at the University of Florida's Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC) in Homestead. He holds a Ph.D. in food and resource economics from the University of Florida with specialization in agricultural policy analysis, international trade, and development.

His previous research focused on theoretical and empirical analyses of international trade policy rules and institutions such as GATT, WTO, NAFTA, and LOME. His current research emphasizes applied agricultural trade policy analysis and environmental sustainability of agriculture. Most of his research is conducted as a member of interdisciplinary teams of scientists located at TREC and is aimed at generating economically viable and environmentally friendly technologies, practices, and production and marketing systems. Aspects of his work include generating knowledge to conserve and improve water quality at the watershed level, developing economically viable preventative integrated pest management vegetable production systems, implementing efficient fertilizer management, and exploring the economic feasibility of developing biodiesel from Jatropha and ethanol from sweet potatoes. He also investigates the economics of managing invasive species (foreign pests and diseases) in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the United States.


My research program explores the economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture and agricultural trade-related policy analysis.A major component of my research involves conducting analyses of the economic impacts of invasive species (foreign pests and diseases) on agricultural profitability and sustainability, and the likely costs and benefits associated with alternative management options. Other aspects of my research include working with colleagues to generate economically viable and environmentally friendly technologies, practices, and production and marketing systems, such as generating knowledge to conserve and improve the quality of water at the watershed level; finding suitable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly alternatives to methyl bromide (soil fumigant) that are suited to Miami-Dade County's soil structure and topography; and conducting detailed market analysis of new and existing tropical horticultural commodities.


Tropical Research and Education Center
Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida
Building 8221 Room#2
18905 S.W. 280th Street
Homestead, FL 33031-3314
786 217 9263 X272


Ph.D. 1999 : University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida  
M.Sc. 1982 : University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies  
B.Sc.(Hons.) 1979 : University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies  

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International Trade and Development
Policy Analysis
Commodity Research
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues
Pest Risk Analysis


$5 million as PI or CO-PI from 2002





  • 2015 UF/IFAS International Educator Award.
  • 2015 Florida State Horticultural Society (FSHS) Krome Memorial Institute Best Paper Award
  • UF/IFAS International Fellows Award
  • 2014 UF/IFAS International Educator Award.
  • 2011 Florida State Horticultural Society (FSHS) Krome Memorial Institute Best Paper Award
  • Florida State Horticultural Society (FSHS) Krome Memorial Institute Best Paper Award.
  • 2006 UF/IFAS International Achievement Award
  • Recipient of the Dr. Frederick Prochaska Award for Outstanding Ph.D Dissertation ("Dynamics of the US Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup Markets: Implications for the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Sugar Producers within the Framework of a Free Trade Area of the Americas")
  • Recipient of the J.E. Ross International Travel Award, University of Florida
  • Distinction in Field Exam in the area of International Trade and Development
  • University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Multicultural Student Award based on academic performance
  • University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, International Graduate Student Award for having a cumulative GPA of 4.0.
  • Findings of Master's Thesis used to inform regional study entitled "CARICOM in the Year 2000". Study was commissioned by the Eight Meetings of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community.



  • Evans, E. A., F. H. Ballen, B. De Oleo and J. H. Crane. 2017.Willingness of South Florida Fruit Growers to Adopt Genetically Modified Papaya: An ex-ante evaluation. Agbioforum (In press)
  • Ploetz, R.C., +Hughes, M.A., Kendra, P.E., Fraedrich, S.W., Carrillo, D., Stelinski, L.L., Hulcr, J., Mayfield, A.E. III, +Dreaden, T.L., Crane, J.H.,Evans, E.A., Schaffer, B.A., and Rollins, J. 2017. Recovery Plan for Laurel Wilt of Avocado, caused by Raffaelea lauricola. Plant Health Prog. 18:51-77. Doi:10.1094/PHP-12-16-0070-RP.
  • Warsanga, W., E. A. Evans, Z. Gao, P. Useche. 2017. A Framework for Determining the Impact of Value Chain Participation on Smallholder Farm Efficiency. Theoretical Economics Letters 7(3):517-542. Doi: 10.4236/tel.2017.73039.
  • Nguyen, T., K.W. Migliaccio, E.A. Evans, C.J. Martinez, J.J. Sansalone, and M.W. Clark. 2016. Coupling hydrologic and economic modeling for wetland management in Tram Chim National Park, Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
  • Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2016. Testing for oligopsony power in the US green skin avocado market. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization. ISSN (Online) 1542-0485, ISSN (Print) 2194-5896, DOI: 10.1515/jafio-2015-0014,
  • Evans, E.A. and S. Garcia. 2016. Assessing the profitability of guava production in South Florida under risk and uncertainty. Journal of Extension. 54 (1): 20-31
  • Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2015. Competitive Behavior in the US Green Skin Avocado Export Market. Journal of Food Distribution Research. 46 (3): 20-31
  • Ploetz R. and E.A. Evans. 2015. Export and subsistence bananas: Future production issues. Horticultural Reviews 43: 311-45
  • Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2015. An econometric demand model for Florida green-skin avocados. HortTechnology 25(3):405- 411
  • Li, K. and E.A. Evans. 2015. Economic benefit from adopting GM papaya in southern Florida: An ex ante evaluation. International Journal of Innovation Science and Research 4(5):189-193.
  • Mosquera, M., E.A. Evans, and R. Ploetz. 2015. Assessing the profitability of avocado production in South Florida in the presence of laurel wilt. Theoretical Economics Letters 5(1):343-356
  • Nguyen, T., E.A. Evans, and K. Migliaccio. 2015. Modeling decision-making regarding wetland services for wetland management in Tram Chim National Park, Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 10:1-22
  • Evans, E.A., and F.H. Ballen. 2014. Assessing the intensity of market competition in the US papaya import market.  Journal of Food Distribution Research. 45(2):213-225
  • Evans, E.A., F.H. Ballen, and C.H. Crane. 2014. Economic potential of producing Tahiti limes in southern Florida in the presence of citrus canker and citrus greening.  HortTechnology  24(1):99-106.
  • Mosquera, M., E.A., Evans, K.A. Grogan, and C.A. Fontanilla. 2014. Un modelo de simulación discreto para determinar la edad óptima de replantación en presencia de la Pudrición del cogollo (A discrete simulation model to determine the optimal age of replanting in the presence of bud rot). Revista Palmas 35(1):17-30
  • Mosquera, M., E.A. Evans, L. Walters, and T.H. Spreen. 2013. The US food safety and modernization act: Implications for Caribbean exporters. Social and Economic Studies 62(1):151-176
  • Mosquera, M., K.A. Grogan, E.A. Evans, and T.H. Spreen. 2013. A framework for determining the period when a perennial crop is no longer profitable after a disease outbreak, Theoretical Economics Letters 3(3):171-181. Doi: 10.4236/tel.2013.33029.
  • Spreen, T., M. Mosquerag, K.A. Grogan, and E.A. Evans. 2013. Análisis económico de las enfermedades en plantas perennes (Economic analysis of disease in perennial plants). Revista Palmas 34:135-145
  • Evans, E.A., and J. Huntley. 2011. Economics of establishing and producing pitaya in southern Florida: A stochastic budget analysis. HortTechnology 21(2):246-251.
  • Ploetz, R., J.M. Pérez-Martínez, E.A. Evans, and S.A. Inch. 2011. Toward fungicidal management of laurel wilt of avocado. Plant Disease 95(8):977-982.
  • Schaffer, B., J.H. Crane, C. Li, Y.C. Li, and E.A. Evans. 2011. Re-greening of lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) leaves with foliar applications of iron sulfate and weak acids. Journal of Plant Nutrition 34:1341-1359.
  • Evans, E.A., J. Crane, A. Hodges, and J. Osborne. 2010. Potential economic impact of laurel wilt disease on the Florida avocado industry. HortTechnology 20(1):234-238.
  • Wang, Q., W. Klassen, E.A. Evans, Y. Li, and M. Codallo. 2010. Combination of organic and plastic mulches to improve the yield and quality of winter fresh market bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). Hortscience 45(4):701-706.
  • Evans, E.A., and S. Nalampang. 2009. Forecasting price trends in the US avocado (Persea americana Mill.) market. Journal of Food Distribution Research 40(2):80-102.
  • Evans, E.A., and S. Nalampang. 2009. An analysis of the US market for avocados (Persea Americana Mill.). Acta Horticulturae 831:247-254.
  • Migliaccio, K.W., B. Schaffer, Y.C. Li, E. A. Evans, J.H. Crane, and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2008. Assessing benefits of irrigation and nutrient management practices on a southeast Florida royal palm (Roystonea elata) field nursery. Irrigation Science 27:57-66.
  • Spreen, T.H., E.A. Evans, S. Nalampang, and D.N. Corrie-Kordas. 2008. The continuing saga of the EU banana debate: An analysis of possible refinements to the 2006 EU banana trade regime. Tropical Agriculture 85(1):103-116.
  • Alamo, C., E.A. Evans, and A. Brugueras. 2007. Economic impact and trade implications of the introduction of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) to Puerto Rico. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 39:5-18.
  • Ranjan, R., and E.A. Evans. 2007. Private responses to public incentives for invasive species management. Farm and Business, the Journal of the Caribbean Agro-Economic Society 7(2):80-102.
  • Evans, E. 2006. Discussion of bio-security, diseases, and invasive species: Implications of bioterrorism for agriculture. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 38(2):283-285.
  • Evans, E., and J. VanSickle. 2004. The dilemma of safer and freer trade: The case of the US nursery industry. Choices (First Quarter).
  • Evans, E. 2003. Bridging the communication gap between economists and biological scientists in the management of invasive species. Proceedings of the Caribbean Food Crops Society 39(1):69-76.
  • Evans, E. 2003. Economic dimensions of invasive species. Choices (Second Quarter).
  • Evans, E., and L. Rankine. 2003. The US Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002: Implications for CARICOM sugar producers. Farm and Business, the Journal of the Caribbean Agro-Economic Society 6(1):51-72.
  • VanSickle, J., E. Evans, and R. Emerson. 2003. US–Canadian tomato wars: An economist tries to make sense out of recent anti-dumping suits. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 35(2):283-296.
  • Evans, E., S. NaLampang, and J. VanSickle. 2002. Near-term prospects for the US sugar industry. International Sugar Journal 104(1238):68-81.
  • Singh, R., E. Evans, and S. Roberts. 2002. Non-trade concerns and special and differential treatment. Journal of Farm and Business 5(2):1-20.
  • Evans, E., and C. Davis. 2000. Recent developments in the US sugar and sweeteners markets: Implications for CARICOM tariff rate quota holders. Social and Economic Studies 49(4):1-36.
  • Evans, E., and C. Davis. 2000. Policy options for the poultry (broiler) industry in Trinidad and Tobago under a liberalized trade regime. Journal of Farm and Business 4(1):1-11.




  • University of Florida
  • University of Florida
  • University of Florida
  • University of Florida
  • UF Center for Tropical Agriculture
  • Int. Agric. Trade Policy Center
  • University of Florida
  • University of Florida
  • Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute
  • Caribbean Community Secretariat
  • University of West Indies
  • University of West Indies


  • Prof. & Act. Center Director
  • Assoc.Director UF/IFAS Global
  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Associate Director
  • Assist Exe. Director
  • Visiting Assistant Professor
  • Research Assistant
  • Senior Economist

  • Economist
  • Assistant Lecturer
  • Research Assistant


  • 2016-present
  • 2013-present
  • 2010-2016
  • 2004-2010
  • 2004-2007
  • 2002-2004
  • 1999-2002
  • 1995-1999
  • 1991-1995

  • 1983-1991
  • 1982-1983
  • 1979-1982



SRMECStrengthening Risk Management Tool for Growers in South Florida$27,135
USDA CSREES SCRILaurel wilt of avocado: management of an unusual and lethal disease $3,456,195
SRMECSocial media to enhance competitiveness of small farmers in South Florida $36,876
FDACSAdvancing eTuber, a sustainable feedstock for biofuels and biogas on fallow Florida citrus lands $722,267
USDA/RBEGUF/TREC Agri-business Incubator $32,700
USDA/APHIS/PPQRedbay Ambrosia Beetle Laurel Wilt Mitigation Protection for Avocado Production Program $328,216
FDACSDetection and suppression of laurel wilt in Florida 's commercial avocado production area $268,928
USDA CSREES SCRILaurel wilt of avocado: Mitigation and management of an exotic, insect-vectored disease$1,967,863


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